MASSIVE update from my short trip to the University of Cincinnati. I didn't realize how close Cincinnati is, I mean wow, what a quick drive. Anyway, Aaron took us on a night tour of campus. Obviously not the first time he has gotten into places that he probably wasn't supposed to at night, but the way he looks at it is if it's not locked, its not his fault he got in lol. He also practices the line "Sorry officer, I'm lost," and made us practice it too. Honestly though, I'm not sure that UC puts much effort into keeping their buildings closed anyway, so no big.
First, pictures from the art building. This first set is more writing on the wall. Credit to the artists who drew this stuff, whoever they are.

Notice the writing at the back of the room in this one: "Trust yourself"

"Raw like meat"...kinda creepy.
Okay, these are in the recording studio in the theater & music building. I'm quite sure we weren't supposed to be in here, but like Aaron said...they should have locked the door. Plus, I really couldn't pass it up...the lighting in here was absolutely perfect.
This is my model, Heidi, who was unaware that she was being my model.
Outside of the studio:
Theater prop storage...most of the props were locked up (good call, UC) but some weren't. Like this giant horse. And the fake cars.
Tons of crap locked up in prop storage.
Hallways on the way down to the storage area.

Evan right before we went into the athletic facilities.
We got into the athletic facilites where Aaron showed us the indoor track and a really nice underground basektball court, what the heck?? There were UC students with us that didn't even know this stuff was there.

The basketball court had two very tall, flexible mirrors. Aaron put them together and we all stood between them, and someone touched rippled, like when you touch water. This is the result...NOTHING in focus, but it's exactly what we all saw.
21 pictures later, I'm done. Whew.
1 comment:
I never commented this? Wtf. Jesus. I love these. I especially love the one of the piano. And as always night stuff makes me giddy. And that butterfly is just perfect.
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